Make your own name tags 08/02/2016

The sun is shining, it feels almost like spring! But it is too cold to start sewing your first little seeds for the season. What to do with all this restless gardening energy? I decided to make use of it by making some nice name tags that I can use in the greenhouse. I used a wood burner and some left over pieces of wood. I got some inspiration from Pinterest on chalkboard art, which always gets me in a good mood. As a final finish I will use transparant paint to make them water and weather proof. Want to make some of these nametags yourself? Here are some tips in case you want to work with a woodburner for the first time!
- Start with a testpiece to see how the wood reacts to the burner and which tip you prefer to use
- Draw your design onto the wood with a pencil. This way you will already have easy to follow lines because the pencil will press into the wood (if you work with soft wood)
- Do not apply pressure onto the wood burner, the tip gets soft due to the heat and might bend
- I also used the woodburner on simple wooden clothespins, easy and cheap nametags for all your seedlings!